Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Beautiful Bracelet From Your Leftover Beads; A Book Purse;Grandson's Teddy Bear Shoes

Zack....wearing his little teddy bear shoes...look at those short little legs and huge feet :D His baby head is so big he wears size 6-9 months shirts so they'll slip over his head, but he has a teeny weeny little bottom, and wears newborn and they're loose and the legs are too long!

I made a few more book purses, and I'm working on some more this week.

A Roget's Thesaurus with thrift store handles and a vintage paisley shaped rhinestone button clasp. It has a cute paisley lining, and I love how everything matches no nicely.

I took a break from purses one day and made a bracelet I saw on CraftBits. I love it, and I'm going to try a few more. Check out their site and see all the wonderful ideas and projects that they have. A lot of inspiration there!
I had a little jar with some leftover beads in it that I wanted to make something out of; this was the perfect bracelet for them. I even have enough left to make another bracelet or two, and some earrings to match.

I decided to try it with Stretch Magic clear string.

Here's how you start off. I used 3 large beads just like CraftBits project.

This is about long enough for me.

Beautiful! And it matches so many of my clothes :D Go check out CrafttBits and get ready for Christmas by making gifts :D


  1. Zack is so sweet!

    Luv the purses and bracelets!

  2. Hi there, Where can I buy one of your handmade purse books? A friend bought me one this summer and I am been trying to find them ever since. Please email me at
    Thanks so much... Dawn

  3. thanks ya'll.....i'm loving having a new baby in the house:D big brother aiden is so sweet to his little brother, he sings him songs and kisses him all the time. he shows him his legos and tells him about star wars and :D

    thank you so much Dawn, what a wonderful compliment! :D i will email you:D



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