I knew when I saw this I was going to try it...I'm trying to remember which blog I saw this on,though!
ta-da!! It was Cindy at Chippewa Creek....thanks Cindy! This was the perfect thing for my 5 year old grandson. He easily made his own using his school scissors. I used a crayon to mark how far he needed to make his cuts. Last year I saved some Purple Coneflower seeds before the birds took all of them, so I let him plant some of those, and it only took a couple days for them to sprout up.
ack! it won't let me upload any photos......oh well, Cindy has some photos on her site of how to make these starter pots. I'll try again tomorrow to add pics. My poor grandson's pots got flooded on the porch from all the heavy rains we had, it had to blow pretty far in to reach it,lol! Gosh, I hope they live, I tipped the plastic rectangular dish we used to keep them in and I think all the water poured out.
well darn, I tried one more time to add pics, but it won't let me.....
*got the pics added...ya'll go make some!
Great idea and something we all have(-: The seeds I threw in the ground didn't grow)-: So maybe I need to start them in pots first. I will have to try this idea(-: Thanks!!!
I fell in love with this idea, I sure throw a lot away, I keep a lot,too..lol...so why not? I'll let ya'll know how they work til they've been planted in a pot or the ground.
Great ideas and really nice clear photos to explain the process. Thanks!
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