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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Button Fairy

I just haven't done anything except this little button dragonfly-fairy-cute-thing. I've seen quite a few while surfing, and just did it the way it looked like it was done :) This is colored Fun Wire I got at Hobby Lobby, it holds the buttons but is pliable enough to string the buttons on easily. The bottom end is curled, I think I'll tweak it with a blue bead later. You can see I used smaller buttons on the bottom and ended with the biggest at the top. I left a small length of wire at the top, and twisted it into a hanger. Use a photo or any picture you like, cut out some wings, glue or tape those together so they look nice. Glue or tape it to the wire. Add a trim. I used baby blue ribbon because that's what I had :) I have some charms, I should've thought of using one of them.

Has anyone ever been in the 4-H Club? I was for years. We'd always have a Barbecued Chicken Cook-Off. The recipe we used came from the brochures they gave out, and I barbecued hundreds(hehe..yeah,it prolly WAS hundreds!)of chickens with it. But unfortunately there came a time when I guess we just got sick of it, or found something else interesting to cook on the grill. We did try to make it a few times in the years following but no one could remember how it was made! It's called Mississippi Barbecued Sauce. And today while going through boxes of old photos I found one of the original brochures(this must have been printed in the early 1960's). I hope this recipe gets back around to a lot of people who will copy it and pass it down to their families. Here's the recipe...

Mississippi Barbecue Sauce

for 8-10 halves

1 cup cooking oil
1 pint vinegar(cider)
4 tablespoons salt
1 teaspoon red pepper
1 teaspoon Tabasco sauce
Add garlic as you like

Place all ingredients in saucepan and just barely simmer. Give the garlic plenty of time to flavor the sauce.

I used to see this barbecue sauce for sale in mason jars when I was younger :)

Split whole chicken into halves.

Try salting the chicken one to two hours before barbecuing. After salting real good, place in the refrigerator. If you salt before barbecuing, do not add salt to the barbecue sauce.
Start the fire about 15 minutes before you plan on cooking. Use only one layer of charcoal briquettes. You can add more later as needed. It usually takes 1 to 1 ½ hours to cook chicken. Chicken is done when the drumstick will twist.

When your fire is ready, when the charcoal has a fine white ash on it, it's time to put the chicken on the grill. Get a nice crispy golden crust on both sides before you begin basting it with the sauce. Use a lot of sauce when basting and leave bits of diced garlic all over it.
We'd always keep a squirt bottle filled with water for flare-ups. A clean dish soap bottle works well for this.
Sorry no Halloween stuff today...hopefully I'll perk back up soon.

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